Resources & Links

woman discussing telling parents resources about telling parents she is pregnant with a helpful person
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Whether you’ve just found out that you’re pregnant, or are exploring your choices, we can help you learn more and locate the resources you seek.

Follow the links below to learn more about your choices and how we can help and support you in choosing your child’s future.

If you are looking for advice on how to talk to your parents about your pregnancy, please read our helpful information in English or Spanish.

Get help now through these helpful resources and websites:

Pregnancy Help Online
Unplanned pregnancies happen, and Pregnancy Help Online is here to help you make the best decision for you and your baby. Learn how to have a healthy pregnancy, what your choices are, and the assistance that may be available to you.

Lifetime Adoption Center
Are you curious about adoption? Lifetime is a nationwide adoption center that provides free help and answers as you explore your choices with adoption. Explore adoptive family profiles from hopeful parents.

16 & Pregnant?
You aren’t alone. Many teens have been where you are. You have choices. This is not the end. Read stories from other girls who have been where you are.

young woman looking at pregnancy test wondering how to tell her parentsAfrican American Adoptions Online
If you’re black or bi-racial and thinking about adoption, you can browse waiting adoptive families of color on this website. Learn more about adoption and get access to the resources you need.

Open Adoption

Learn what it means to have an open adoption. There are many choices in open adoption today. You can choose the family, choose the amount of contact, and more!

Dental Care Guide for Pregnant Women & Babies

Dental health is an important act for women who are pregnant. Not only are you more susceptible to oral health problems, but some of the treatments may put your developing baby at risk.

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Additional Helpful Resources