Open Adoption

Open adoption is wonderful for all involved, but most of all it is beneficial to the child. A child placed through open adoption grows up with a greater sense of identity; with knowledge of both the love of their birth parents, and also the love of their adopted family. As they will know the truth of why their birthmother felt adoption was the best decision, they will grow into a more stable and secure adult.
Another important part of open adoption is for the adoptive parents to have access to vital health information. There are times when having immediate access to health information can be a matter of life or death. Without any health history, a doctor could waste a great deal of time running endless tests on an ill child when a little background on the parents would have given medical personnel some direction. An accurate health history may also be of help in preventative medicine by allowing your child’s doctor to perform routine tests that he deems relevant in light of the child’s genetic background. Truly, the biggest benefit is that you get to make choices, and have control over your own adoption plan. You can learn more about open adoption by visiting Lifetime Adoption.

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